Holiday Hours at the Club

Thursday, July 4th:

-19th Hole will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We will close the food and beverage service at 7:00 PM, so our employees can enjoy 4th of July festivities.

-The pool will be at normal hours and we will have a cook at the pool house from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM.

-Golf will host a 4th of July 2-man best ball. The entry is $50 per team and will have a skins game, CTP, and payouts based on the amount of entries.

Friday, July 5th:

-19th Hole will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

-The pool will be at normal hours and we will have a cook at the pool house from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM.

Saturday and Sunday, July 6th and 7th:

All normal hours and service times.